@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import sqlite3
+# [todo 1]
+# 1. 检查commands[5]是否为dbPath, 不是话报错(syntax error)
+# ↑↑↑ 但是总感觉输入检查应该放在Controller里面(也就是放在前端去检查)...
+# 前端检查语法, 冲突代回到后端去检查, 然后顺便就执行了
+# 2. 命令里面的<KB>, <CL>, <EV>都代入检查是否存在, 区分add/edit(INSERT INTO/UPDATE)
+# 3. 匹配SQL关键字
+# 4. 拼完以后进行to和in的判断
+# 5. 按正确的顺序拼SQL语句
+# 6. 执行
+dbPath = "dev.db"
+def Exec_one(dbPath, commands):
+ con = sqlite3.connect(dbPath)
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ cur.execute(commands)
+ con.commit()
+ re = cur.fetchall()
+ con.close()
+ return re
+def Exec_many():
+ pass
+def IsExist(exec_commands, returnBool=True):
+ tableName = str(exec_commands[1]).capitalize()
+ ItemName = str(exec_commands[2])
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM {table} WHERE name='{name}'".format(table=tableName, name=ItemName)
+ ie = Exec_one(dbPath, sqls)
+ if ie != [] and returnBool == False:
+ return ie
+ elif ie != [] and returnBool == True:
+ return True
+ elif ie == []:
+ return False
+ else:
+ # Alt.Err(errCode)
+ print("err <Code>: unexpected error in existence check")
+# [todo 4]
+def Secondary_response():
+ pass
+class KB():
+ pass
+class CL():
+ pass
+class EV():
+ pass
+# Regular Start
+def Regular(dbPath, exec_commands):
+ # try:
+ ie = IsExist(exec_commands)
+ print("is exist: ", ie)
+ tableName = str(exec_commands[1]).capitalize()
+ # to的情况待处理
+ itemName = str(exec_commands[2])
+ exec_flag = False
+ if ie == True:
+ if exec_commands[0] == 'select':
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM {table} WHERE name='{name}';".format(table=tableName, name=itemName)
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'add':
+ print("err <Code>: existed")
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'delete':
+ sqls = "UPDATE {table} SET status='deleted' WHERE name='{name}';".format(table=tableName, name=itemName)
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'edit':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'move':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == '..':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == '/':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'wipe':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif ie == False:
+ if exec_commands[0] == 'select':
+ print("err <Code>: not exist")
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'add':
+ sqls = "INSERT INTO {table} VALUES(null, '{name}', 'live')".format(table=tableName, name=itemName)
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'delete':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'edit':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'move':
+ print("err <Code>: not exist")
+ elif exec_commands[0] == '..':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_commands[0] == '/':
+ print("err <Code>: not exist")
+ elif exec_commands[0] == 'wipe':
+ sqls = ""
+ exec_flag = True
+ elif exec_flag == True:
+ # 有个数据库锁定的异常待处理(Multi-user)
+ Exec_one(dbPath, sqls)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ while(1):
+ sy_i = input("sql: ").split(" ")
+ Regular(dbPath, sy_i)