@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def MatchTomlKeys(tomlName, keys, table=None) -> list:
return rl
-# ----- Sqlite -----
+# ----- Sqlite Methods -----
def Exec_one(dbPath, commands):
con = sqlite3.connect(dbPath)
cur = con.cursor()
@@ -97,7 +97,73 @@ def IsExist(exec_commands, returnBool=True):
class command():
- pass
+ def __init__(self, dbPath, tableName, columnName, newColumnName) -> None:
+ self.dp = dbPath
+ self.table = tableName
+ self.name = columnName
+ self.newName = newColumnName
+ def select(self, aliveOnly=True):
+ if aliveOnly == True:
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM {table} WHERE name='{name}' AND status='alive';".format(table=self.table, name=self.name)
+ elif aliveOnly == False:
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM {table} WHERE name='{name}';".format(table=self.table, name=self.name)
+ res = Exec_one(self.dp, sqls)
+ # 也许需要一个后处理res = [('a'),('b')]这样的格式问题
+ return res
+ def add(self, values, addObj="board", addType="new"):
+ # insert
+ # add board: insert into Board
+ # add class(className, usingBoard):
+ # add event(className)
+ pass
+ def delete(self):
+ sqls = "UPDATE {table} SET status='deleted' WHERE name='{name}';".format(table=self.table, name=self.name)
+ res = Exec_one(self.dp, sqls)
+ def edit(self):
+ # edit boardName
+ # edit className
+ # edit eventName
+ # edit event dscrp
+ # edit event blabla
+ pass
+ def move(self, moveObj):
+ if moveObj == "KB":
+ pass
+ elif moveObj == "CL":
+ pass
+ elif moveObj == "EV":
+ pass
+ def backPrevious(self):
+ pass
+ def backHome(self):
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name is NOT 'sqlite_sequence';"
+ Exec_one(dbPath, sqls)
+ def back(self, ):
+ pass
class objBoard():
@@ -106,4 +172,12 @@ class objClass():
class objEvent():
- pass
+ pass
+def Handler():
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ dbPath = "dev.db"