@@ -57,43 +57,91 @@ def Secondary_response():
class objBoard():
- def __init__(self, boardName) -> None:
+ def __init__(self, dbPath, previousPath, currentPath, boardName) -> None:
+ self.dp = dbPath
+ self.pp = previousPath
+ self.cp = currentPath
self.name = boardName
def select_board(self, aliveOnly=True):# 不太对劲, 应该在IsExist的时候就已经可以得到结果了
- if aliveOnly == False:
- sqls = "SELECT name FROM {boardName}".format(boardName=self.name)
- elif aliveOnly == True:
- sqls = "SELECT name FROM {boardName} WHERE status='alive';".format(boardName=self.name)
- return sqls
- def add_board():
- sqls = "INSERT INTO"
+ if aliveOnly == True:
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM Board WHERE name='{name}' AND status='alive';".format(name=self.name)
+ elif aliveOnly == False:
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM Board WHERE name='{name}';".format(name=self.name)
+ Exec_one(self.dp, sqls)
+ # [todo 4]
+ # return sqls
+ def add_board(self):
+ sqls = "INSERT INTO Board VALUES(null, '{name}', 'alive');".format(name=self.name)
+ Exec_one(self.dp, sqls)
- def delete_board():
- pass
+ def delete_board(self):
+ sqls = "UPDATE Board SET status='deleted' WHERE name='{name}';".format(name=self.name)
+ Exec_one(self.dp, sqls)
def edit_board():
- pass
+ # 修改了Board之后关联的分类和事件也要变, 而且要先修改关系最后变board名称
+ # 1. 查找CL和EV里面和这个KB的关联
+ # 2. 修改关联的KB-name
+ # 3. 修改KB的name
+ sqls = ""
def move_board():
- pass
+ print("err <Code>: syntax error")
- def bp():
- pass
- def home():
- pass
+class objClass():
+ def __init__(self, dbPath, previousPath, currentPath, boardName) -> None:
+ self.dp = dbPath
+ self.pp = previousPath
+ self.cp = currentPath
+ self.name = boardName
-class objClass():
- pass
+ def select_class(self, aliveOnly=True):# 不太对劲, 应该在IsExist的时候就已经可以得到结果了
+ if aliveOnly == True:
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM Class WHERE name='{name}' AND status='alive';".format(name=self.name)
+ elif aliveOnly == False:
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM Class WHERE name='{name}';".format(name=self.name)
+ Exec_one(self.dp, sqls)
+ # [todo 4]
+ # return sqls
+ def add_class(self):
+ sqls = "INSERT INTO Class VALUES(null, '{name}', 'alive');".format(name=self.name)
+ Exec_one(self.dp, sqls)
+ def delete_class(self):
+ sqls = "UPDATE Class SET status='deleted' WHERE name='{name}';".format(name=self.name)
+ Exec_one(self.dp, sqls)
+ def edit_class():
+ sqls = ""
+ def move_class():
+ pass
class objevent():
+def bp():
+ pass
+def home(): # IE就能解决了好像
+ sqls = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name is NOT 'sqlite_sequence';"
+ Exec_one(dbPath, sqls)
# Regular Start
def Regular(dbPath, exec_commands):