# Choose between: zh_s/zh_f/en
# zh_s == 简体中文; zh_f == 繁体中文(暫未支持)
lang = "en"

# tree/expand
listStyle = "tree"

# >>>need some guidance here<<<
EnableGlobalCommand = false

# Choose between: sqlite3/toml/md/csv/mongodb
# However toml/md/csv/mongodb are not supported in v1.0
DBType = "sqlite3"
DBPath = "test.db"

# utc/utc+-n (UTC-12 ~ UTC+14)
# This will not effect the "uid related" time settings(UTC+0)
displayTime = "UTC+8"

# ----- App Command to DB Syntax Translation -----
list = "SELECT"
edit = "UPDATE"
delete = "UPDATE" # change stauts to "deleted"





# ----- helps -----
# 难道用asicⅡ然后根据系统语言转换?
# 或者是单独的.toml/.txt 文本文件也行 <<< 采用这个方案
en = """
Help texts in en

zh-s = """
Help texts in zh-s

en = "could not find"
zh-s = "找不到"