# ----- App Configuration ----- DBType = "sqlite3" DBPath = "test.db" lang = "en" listStyle = "tree" displayTime = "utc+8" # ----- App Command to DB Syntax Translation ----- [sqlite3.init] DBType = "sqlite3" # Table name Board = "" Class = "" Event = "" Stuck = "" Alert = "" DDL = "" [sqlite3] # app_command[0] "/" = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';" select = "SELECT " add = "INSERT INTO " edit = "UPDATE " delete = "UPDATE " # change stauts to "deleted" wipe="DROP WHERE" # app_command[1] board = "({uid}, {name}, {status}).format(uid='', name='', status='live')" class = "({uid}, {name}, {usedBoard}, {status})" event = "({uid}, {name}, {dscrp}, {createdTime}, {belongBoard}, {classCreated}, {currentClas}, {status})" # "/" -> " " in Stateful stucked = "Stucked " # app_command[3] && [4] "-d" = "" "-ddl" = "" to = "here is to"