dev_config.toml 568 B

  1. # ----- App Configuration -----
  2. DBType = "sqlite3"
  3. DBPath = "test.db"
  4. lang = "en"
  5. listStyle = "tree"
  6. displayTime = "utc+8"
  7. # ----- App Command to DB Syntax Translation -----
  8. [sqlite3]
  9. # app_command[0] -> command1
  10. "/" = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';"
  11. list = "SELECT "
  12. add = "INSERT INTO "
  13. edit = "UPDATE "
  14. delete = "UPDATE " # change stauts to "deleted"
  15. # app_command[1] -> obj1
  16. board = "TABLE {boardName} "
  17. class = "TABLE {className} "
  18. event = "TABLE {eventName} "
  19. # app_command[2] -> tag1
  20. "-name" = ""
  21. "-d" = ""
  22. "-ddl" = ""
  23. to = "here is to"