# ----- App Configuration ----- [app_config] StrictMode = true DBType = "sqlite3" DBPath = "dev.db" Lang = "en" ListStyle = "tree" DisplayTimeZone = "utc+8" Start_as_LLM_server = false # ----- DB Configuration ----- # Not recommended to modify the following parameters unless you modify the program synchronously # Just a better reference for dev.db, no functional use(yet) # ↓ DB name("dev".db) # ↓ Table name [dev.compact_main] createSqls = ''' CREATE TABLE "compact_main" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "type" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "dscrp" TEXT NOT NULL, "style" TEXT NOT NULL, "creator" TEXT NOT NULL, "createdTime" TEXT NOT NULL, "relatedBoard" TEXT NOT NULL, "relatedClass" TEXT NOT NULL, "state" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("id" AUTOINCREMENT) ); ''' state.deleted = -10 state.alive = 10 [dev.log_action] createSqls = ''' CREATE TABLE "log_action" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "uid" TEXT NOT NULL, "commitTime" TEXT NOT NULL, "type" TEXT NOT NULL, "action" TEXT NOT NULL, "operator" TEXT NOT NULL, "status" TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("id" AUTOINCREMENT) ); ''' # ----- Some Notes ----- # ----- used sqls -----